(5-3-2012) LGG ديوانية

:  هو بودكاست نقاشي نتحدث فيه عن بعض الألعاب اللتي لعبناها خلال الفترة السابقة. هذه الحلقة تحتوي على الألعاب التالية LGG ديوانية

Street Fighter X Tekken

Alan Wake  (PC)

Mari0 (PC)

Rhythm Heaven Fever (Wii)

Escape Plan (PS Vita)

Asura’s Wrath

نتمنى لكم استماعا ممتعا.


2 responses

  1. Mr. M-A Avatar
    Mr. M-A

    Hmm, i played Asura’s Wrath on the 360 version i did notice slow down in maybe just 2 or 3 short scenes as you said but no slow-downs in the places where you need to use the Y or Traingle button. I can’t imagine how that must felt like LOOL. However, there were also some screen tearing. Other then that, i loved it. 

    The gameplay is average 7adda but the story, presentation and music, especially the music is amazing.

  2. besho laugh was amazing 

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