Xbox Live Subscription To Increase In Price

Microsoft are planning on increasing the price for the Gold Member subscription to Xbox Live, beginning at the 1st of November. The price of the annual subscription to the service will increase by $10 in America, which makes the total $59.99 which is the price of a game. One month subscription rates increased from $7.99 to $9.99, and the three month subscription rate will increase from $19.99 to $24.99. Still a moderate price since it’s pretty much the price of a game nowadays and any user can still have the option of making a free Silver Membership, minus the online multiplayer and party chat features that Gold subscriptions give. If you want to subscribe for the old price, now is a good time to do so.

A statement was issued to explain to customers why $60 is considered a great deal:

“When originally launched in 2002, a Gold subscription cost the same as an AAA video game, $49.99. When taking into account for inflation ($50 in 2002 is roughly $60 in 2010) and the additional services available to Gold subscribers in 2010, such as ESPN, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, and Video Kinect, a $10 price increase still represents an incredible value to consumers”

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2 responses

  1. some people argue that 50$ in 2002 is equal to 60$ in 2010!

    thats why they increased the price :S

    as long as they keep their great service am sure people will pay.

  2. Yaqoub Avatar

    With regards to service quality, Microsoft are upgrading the overall voicechat system to increase voice clarity!

    Think of it as Skype for Xbox Live. I think they deserve my $60.

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