البعد الآخر : أسعار الألعاب

  البعد الآخر هو بودكاست نقاشي نتحدث فيه عن موضوع معين. و موضوع هذه الحلقة تتكلم عن رأينا الحالي لأسعار الألعاب

قام بتسجيل الحلقة كل من

. علي ، عبدالله ، يعقوب و حسين

نتمنى لكم استماعا ممتعا


3 responses

  1. Mr. M-A Avatar
    Mr. M-A

    Rehab took Kaz Harai’s words to heart and took the ” 599$ US DOLLARS ” and changed it to “600KD KUWAIT DOLLARS” and still mako faida zado 1KD, lol. They do that and most of the stuff that is available here in the middle east they just change currency, lol. From $ to KD.

    “3endek na9ab oo na9ab 3ood etroo7 3end el na9ab” LOL, true that. Rehab needs a whole new podcast a9lan, just talking about the ridiculous things you find and hear from there.

    And last but certainly not least, Rehab(a specific shop, im sure we all know who) brought Call of duty black ops FIRST from dubai and sold it for……… 60KD and you know what’s sad, many bought it. Just see this video…

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1v8qWavP7Q&feature=related  Tokfa maq9af mo ma7al, ma agool ella el yahel elly ” YALLA YEBBA YEBBA”

    and here is me and my younger bro doing a spoof on this. 

    After all that is said and done, we will see what the future will hold for us. Hopefully, more exposure gets to gaming and the sick mentality of “who plays games is a child” goes away for good.

    1. LOL, just watched the spoof. It sickens me to see this. 

      In any case I think that digital distribution could put an end to all this stuff, but seeing how our local retailers like to gouge prices, PSN & XBL points’ prices could skyrocket. Thankfully, a credit card will be your best friend. 

      1. Mr. M-A Avatar
        Mr. M-A

        And the internet as a whole, is everyone’s best friend. However, we have no one to blame only the people who don’t care about getting ripped off. I mean sure most people not all have extra money but that doesn’t mean i buy a game at that price just because i can. It will encourage them to do so, however, always after the first or second day the price would be normal 18KD.

        I mean, even a shop i know that i buy from him only tells me that “A7sanlek etyee batcher 7ag hal game 3shan se3ra bekoon this much” LOL. Last but certainly not least, after all that, lal7een yegoolek ana muslim. LOOL.

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