DLC : البعد الآخر

   ( DLC ) البعد الآخر هو بودكاست نقاشي نتحدث فيه عن موضوع معين. و موضوع هذه الحلقة تتكلم عن رأينا الحالي للمحتوى الاضافي للالعاب

قام بتسجيل الحلقة كل من

. علي ، عبدالله ، يعقوب ، و حمد

نتمنى لكم استماعا ممتعا.


9 responses

  1. يت بوقتها … يعطيكم الف عافية 

    الحين الواحد يسمعها و ينام ههههههه

    1. Allah y3afeek. Enjoy :)

  2. المشكلة حاليا ان الشركات قاعدة تستغل مسمى المحتوى الاضافي لزيادة سعر اللعبة بشكل (من تحت لي تحت).
    اكثر محتوى ماله داعي هو Costumes او لباس الشخصيات، يعني حتى المبلغ والجهد المبذول لصنع لباس شخصية معينة لم ولن يساوي 5% من قيمة تطوير اللعبة كاملة! اللعبة سعرها $60 تلقى اللبس سعره 3$.
    بنظري بالنسبة للباس الاضافي المفروض انك تحصله بمجرد شرائك للعبة ثانية على نفس الجهاز، اوريجن يعطيك لبس اضافي للعبة Mass Effect بمجرد شرائك للعبة Battlefield 3 وبهالطريقة انت تشجع الناس يشترون العابك بدل ما يدفعون على شكليات.
    الترتيب المفترض هو 
    1- اكسبانشن (ويكون سعره ما بين 30-70% من اللعبة الاصلية)
    2- Added Content (لا يتجاوز سعره 30% من سعر اللعبة)
    3- DLC بالمعنى الموجود ويفترض انك تحصل هالاضافات عن طريق اما Collector Edition, Special Edition, buying a game package وليس شراء الاضافة بحد ذاتها.
    حتى في PS Store تعدى هالمرحلة بعرضه عليك لشراء صور بسيطة تضعها كـAvatar وبسعر لا يقل عن دولار. يعني كلها صورة JPG برزلوشن سيء تخليني ادفع عليها دولار؟ :)

    المصيبة في وقتنا الحالي ان الشركات تنزل اللعبة بشكل تشوبه نواقص كثيرة (قد تكون متعمدة) مثل اسلحة سيئة وملابس قبيحة ومن ثمة ينزلون لك DLC لاضافة سلاح ممتاز و لبس جميل وكل له سعر منفصل. 
    بينما الجيل السابق كنت لا ترى اي شكل من اشكال Micro transactions بل كل اللي نشوفه لعبة وينزل عليها اكسبانشن يحتوي على اضافات فوق الرائعة مع زيادة على اللعبة قد تصل إلى حجم اللعبة الاصلية ولنا في Warcraft 3 و Diablo 2 بل وحتى Heroes of Might And Magic 4 خير امثلة، حتى الاخير (اذا سأل علي عنه) اضاف 6 قصص جديدة فوق ال6 قصص الاصلية، مع بعض اليونتس الجديدة.

    والله لو اتكلم ماراح اخلص بس باختصار اذا الـDLC ما يكون باكج كامل ويضيف على اللعبة على الاقل 50% من جودتها (قصة/شخصيات/اسلحة…) انا ما اشوف انه يسوى اني ادفع له.
    ملاحظة: الله يعينكم على التكست مو قادر اخليه Right to Left :)

  3. Mr. M-A Avatar
    Mr. M-A

    Ya36eekom alf 3afiya oo ma ga9arto. Shensowi b3ad el wa7ed lema bedesh eb mowthoo3 lazem yedesh eb ta3ameq. 3mooman a7awel bel mstaqbal ina asowi el comment point to point 3shan yekoon as-hal


    I know i wrote a novel probably but this is what is on my nerves as a gamer. Especially people saying how bad this is and how they are sick of paying and everything then at the end they will still buy it. 

    I wish if more people would take a stand, for other genre of games it’s easy to do so because its mostly on the choice of the gamer plus, most if not all DLC release are after the game released to the people by months. A gamer pays for a developer that actually was not lazy and worked for the DLC.

    However, where the problem lies is fighting games. I am not a huge fighting fan but things that crapcom does makes me hate their fighting games and not want to support it. Is this a good thing? of course not, i am a gamer and want to play more games because more games = more fun for me.

    But that is the problem they are locking stuff and doing all this shady business, the worst part is that they know about it but they are quite because they know the thousands that go to tournaments will get it weather its a rip-off or not(character setups), and that’s the sad part of it, people like me will just hate the game even more and wait later to get it used when maybe 1000’s of other people got used to every character and on top of all that id they didn’t release a new version by the time of it i’ll still be getting the inferior part of the game unless i pay for the DLC.

    If somehow we lived in a world where everyone in the tournaments even diago said ” THE **** IS THIS SHIT?!” then maybe crapcom would learn and never make this kind of thing but as it stands right now, it won’t stop since the majority is alright with what they are doing it seems. If more outcry happened, they will change as many other things did in gaming. Other genre of games offer so much in terms of SP and MP that the unnesseccary DLC stuff is totally on the players choice, it won’t affect the overall game. 

    But in a fighting game, the characters are the meat of the game and when capcom does rip-off things like that it’s just wrong and would love for them to not profit so that they wouldn’t do such thing again.

    As for asura’s wrath this was totally new for me and honestly, i would just read it out on wiki or watch a walkthrough while not bothering paying for it, lol.

    In the end, A DLC that is worked on, add side stories or new mechanics or new chapters months later after the game is released totally earns my support and it deserves to sell. Anything other then that is just rip off (Day 1 DLC, Customes, colors, soundtrack, sound, name, title, locked on disk content) For now i’ll just get it used or maybe by the time i do bekoon fee “complete super hyper duper edition” lol

    As for the SFXT DLC, i say with the copy in the dewaniya you guys have just hack the game or glitch it (like umvc3 clothes) IF it is even available to do so, lol so you guy’s won’t support it and it doesn’t need updating since it is all local UNLESS they made a balance patch (which i doubt it’s free, lol).

    1. We truly appreciate your effort in writing very elaborate comments and sparking discussions. In follow-up posts like this one people will be interested in reading in-depth stuff but for the question post a short one helps us cover everything quickly and mention everyone. I’m sure you understand. :)

      Why don’t you leave us an email through the “contact us” page we have something that may interest you. 

      1. Mr. M-A Avatar
        Mr. M-A

        Yeah, i understand. 3mooman oho bel podcast akeed lazem yetl5a9 3shan el wakt + other people’s opinons. 

        But for me the comment is there so when people want to read the full argument they can or they can get the pin pointed version in the podcast which both is great.

  4. Mercaptoethanol Avatar

    You guys were right, after listening to this episode, I can easily shatter all of the conclusions and suggestions you made at the end. The Arab gaming society lacks freaks like me XD

  5. َdhari Q8 Avatar
    َdhari Q8

    there we are♥ am listening on now 29/4/2014

  6. َdhari Q8 Avatar
    َdhari Q8

    قوي يا علي لا تهجر الجمهور♥

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