Street Fighter X Tekken Producer Answers Questions, Hints at Huge Changes

Freshly appointed producer, Tomoaki Ayano, had an interesting Q&A session where he answers some questions from (mostly angry) consumers about the future of SFxT, some SF4 and Darkstalkers stuff as well. Check it out after the break.

Via Eventhubs (also translation was provided by them):

The Capcom Blog updated several days ago with a huge Q&A from current producer Ayano who is now overseeing the Street Fighter X Tekken project. This was translated by myself.

The list of questions, statements and outright anger from Japanese fans is quite extensive, so I’ve shortened the answers Ayano has written down into simple bullets and paraphrased the questions. There’s a lot of repeated questions and pointless ones so only the most informative posts have been collected. The responses include SFxT information and discuss Darkstalkers as well.

Keep in mind that Ayano has no twitter, and comments on the Capcom blog are now under a moderation approval policy unlike before so this is really the only way the Japanese fans can have their voices represented officially now through the producer.


Users: Please do something about the blockstun of jabs and aerial Hurricane Kicks.
Ayano: Looking into it. Please check after the balance patch on May 19th.

Users: Blocking weak attacks from someone like Rolento is so frustrating!
Ayano: We’re considering making big changes after the balance patch on May 19th, so be prepared.

Users: Auto-block and auto-tech are too strong, and are destroying the online population.
Ayano: We are going to balance the gems along with the characters.

Users: The gems aren’t very interesting at all! Make new ones that do cooler things.
Ayano: Before we develop new gems, we’ll balance the current ones.

Users: No one uses Super Arts or Cross Arts because Tag Cancels are so good. It makes the game boring.
Ayano: Please research combos to make Tag Cancels look more exciting and bring out their charm.

Users: Please release the 12 new characters early. If you don’t do it soon there won’t be any players left after the summer rush of fighting games.
Ayano: Understood. We are considering changing the release date of the 12 characters. We also want to make this game strong enough to battle its way through the summer rush of fighting games.

Users: Please put a No-Gem mode into the game. It’s also a tournament standard.
Ayano: This game was balanced around gems, so I would rather streamline gems better instead of introducing a No-Gem mode.


Users: Can’t you make it so that it requires two characters to go down for the KO?
Ayano: This game was balanced around the one-character KO, so that’s not possible.

Users: Please give Chun-Li her Tenshokyaku back.
Ayano: Consider the amount of adjusting we would have to do if new moves were introduced.

Users: Please fix the timer limit!
Ayano: We are researching the timer issues.

Users: I want more colors, the current ones are dull.
Ayano: Please wait for more colors.

Users: I’m concerned about the May 19th balance patch. Those characters listed aren’t the only charactersr that need tuning.
Ayano: Balance changes in the future past the May 19th patch are being worked on. We have received quite a few requests to “nerf this” so I would like to hear about requests to “not nerf this”.

Users: Are there any characters, costumes or systems coming to SSF4 AE 2012?
Ayano: Currently the focus is on SFxT and SFxT Vita.

Users: Please balance properly, as my expectations are high.
Ayano: We are aiming for great balance.

Users: Thanks for fixing Rufus, the game has become a lot more enjoyable now.
Ayano: While that may not be good news for Rufus players, I hope they understand.

Users: Don’t forget Ryu’s Donkey Kick!
Ayano: More balance changes are being considered, so please wait for the next official report from us.

Users: Why is it that I can’t land Ryu’s Shoryuken three times in one combo, but Raven can just loop his crouching Hard Punch over and over? Please fix the juggle limits.
Ayano: We are looking into changes into the air combo system.

Users: Please add a toggle switch for Quick Combos. They keep coming out by accident!
Ayano: Sounds stressful; we’re looking into our options for this.

Users: Please port AE 2012 to the PSP!
Ayano: Sorry, but no plans exist for such a port.

Users: Please allow us to name our Endless lobbies whatever we want.
Ayano: A very difficult request, as the names could become vulgar and disrupt the online experience.

Users: Please put Karin in AE 2012 so we can have the Karin and Sakura dream Rival Match that commemorates the 25th anniversary of Street Fighter!
Ayano: Karin… is it possible for her to come to AE 2012?

Read the rest over at Eventhubs.


2 responses

  1. The patch is coming this week! SUPER SXT   incoming! #hype #Hope

    1. Removal of the stupid blockstun from pokes should make it slightly more playable.

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