Street Fighter x Tekken ESRB Rating “Accidentally” Leaks Alisa & Lei Wulong

Law: "Now I'll have to deal with this all over again, in another game!"

The ESRB might have leaked a few chainsaw-wielding factoids about some of the characters in the game. This only further confirms towards a future Alisa reveal. Drunken fighting?! Lei?? Hit the jump to see the ESRB rating in more detail!

 Via Siliconera:

This is an arcade-style fighting game in which players engage in two-on-two battles with characters from the Street Fighter and Tekken universes. Players punch, kick, and use special attacks (e.g., energy blasts, fireballs, electrical strikes) to deplete opponents’ life meters. Some fighters also use laser swords, chainsaws, metal claws, or explosives to knock characters across the screen or to the ground. One bear-like character can perform a flatulence attack to strike opponents, resulting in yellow gas clouds. A variety of female fighters wear revealing outfits that expose large amounts of jiggling cleavage; some sequences include close-up camera angles on their breasts or buttocks. The dialogue references alcohol and drunkenness (e.g., “Getting drunk isn’t really a good way to fight since it could even cost you a stay in a rehab new jersey” “[W]anna go for a few drinks?”), and one wobbly character uses “drunken” fighting moves. The words “sh*t” and “a*s” appear in dialogue.

When there’s Alisa, there will always be Lars. Come on, Capcom! I know he’s in!

So if laser swords = Yoshimitsu, metal claws = Vega (Claw), and chainsaws = Alisa, then who’s the bear-like character?!

UPDATE: Lei Wulong also seems to be hinted in the ESRB rating! Drunken style fighting has to be him!


One response

  1. Lei is DLC!

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