New Tomb Raider Delayed To Early 2013

Fans eager to get their hands on the newest Tomb Raider title, originally planned for a release this year, will have to wait a little longer. The game is now delayed to early 2013. More after the break.

Looks like Crystal Dynamics have some big surprises to reveal to players this E3 for Tomb Raider:

We’re doing things that are completely new to Tomb Raider in this game and the additional development time will allow us to put the finishing touches into the game and polish it to a level that you deserve. We believe this is the right choice and I guarantee it will be worth the wait. The game is looking amazing and we can’t wait to show it to everyone at E3 in a few weeks.

This only brings in more hype. If they needed that extra polish then they might as well have it to ensure they make the game they wanted to in the first place. Let the excitement ensue.



9 responses

  1. Mr. M-A Avatar
    Mr. M-A

    The cycle of hyped games being pushed back because of call of duty begins. Oh well, more games for next year then!

    1. I say it’s for the better anyway. I always welcome a delay if it was for that extra polish for a title I am looking forward to. :)

      1. Mr. M-A Avatar
        Mr. M-A

        I highly doubt it’s about polishing it up. It’s about COD, believe me. That thing just breaks it’s own pre-order record everytime a new title releases which just baffles me. Oh well, now maybe they can add stuff that they were thinking of making it DLC, lol. This and Bioshock Infinite are getting away from COD since it’s a november release. 

        Bioshock is in a new setting which is a risk so, it’s either they win big or go home (im guessing they will win big, very excited for it but from a business stand point its the logical thing to delay it to next year when people finished from COD and want to play a NEW FPS)

        As for Tomb Raider, the game had lackluster to average last games in the series so, it’s a risk releasing it with COD, release it when there are no games is for the better to insure maximum sales possible instead of some of it going to COD. Which will what happen to Hitman Absolution, Halo 4, Dishonered and Aliens: Colonial marines, the only games going against COD are Dishonored, Halo 4 and Aliens since they are all FPS’s however Halo 4 is already hyped and established. 

        Aliens had a decent last game so i am not expecting this to sell well with COD being on the way (Maybe it will get delayed, hopefully not) and Dishoneoed which is a new IP but given how popular Skyrim got (even with people who never played Elder Scrolls) i am sure they will get a big chunk of the COD sales as well as Halo 4 but really, COD as always is magic, they will dominate in sales. : /

        1. Mr. M-A Avatar
          Mr. M-A


        2. Doesn’t bother me a bit, since I really do not give a damn about CoD. Let it pass and let the other games come. :)

        3. Mr. M-A Avatar
          Mr. M-A

          It bothers me because it’s sad how companies delay their games just because of COD coming out, happened twice and this is the third time which is not surprising me anymore, lol.

  2. too  bad man :( @shinshadow81:disqus

  3. Mr. M-A Avatar
    Mr. M-A

    What did i say? Now, Alien: Colonial Marines is delayed to February 2013! lets hop Dishonored won’t be too.

    1. Mr. M-A Avatar
      Mr. M-A


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