Looking Back at Some Ads

Some of the ads that cater to the gaming industry can be quite amusing. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft all have their share of the weird and amusing throughout their ad campaigns promoting different things each organization has to offer. Here’s a look at some ads that we find kind of funny and interesting.

Although it’s quite unrealistic, Nintendo wanted to make a scene with their campaign showing their target demographic in action. Kids can’t wait to get off of school and classes to get their “Mario” on. It also gives you the impression that Nintendo fans can fly. Yes, fly. All that to get to their local gaming stores.

Microsoft, on the other hand; tend to give you the impression that the world is your battlefield. If you think a little bit about this banned ad, its actually promoting their online service, Xbox Live, turning this into an imaginary FPS-fest. “Bang” is only the beginning to this story.

As for Sony, I think the green onion and PS3 ads posted earlier on were enough indication that some of their creative ad campaigns can go overboard, but straight to the point. At least for their target audience being the Japanese gamer/consumer. I believe, if you would have a slogan for that ad campaign, it would be something like: “Green onions would be an irreplaceable ingredient to a recipe, but a PS3 is an irreplaceable ingredient to your home entertainment setup”. Touché, Sony.

2 responses

  1. NEVER FORGET Sony Europe “This is Living” campain…I am sure SONY PlayStation brand when from COOL to WTF IS THIS SHIT..by this campaign alone! it took them 3 years to recover…
    ahhhh also Sony Japan Face thingy was super creepy!

  2. Yaqoub Avatar

    This is Living is screwed up indeed, but not up to the point where they’d put vegetables and a console face to face, lol.
    But I agree, extremely weird.

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