Kinect Priced, Bundles To Come

With the Kinect release date slowly approaching, the rumors that popped after E3 regarding the pricing of this particular piece of hardware seemed to be correct all along. Starting at $150 for the Kinect package, which includes the seemingly fun Kinect Adventures and the motion controller itself. The european pricing is £129.99 for the same aforementioned set.

The new bundles featuring the new redesigned Xbox are as follows:

  • A new 4GB model to replace the current Arcade bundle, priced at $200.
  • The 4GB bundle with the Kinect Kit to be priced at $300.

Looks like November would be a great time to buy an Xbox if you already haven’t gotten one with the nice price tags.


One response

  1. very smart to sell a 4GB unit for the casual gamers!
    great bundle!

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