Article: هل أنت كبير على اللعب ؟ Are You Too Old for Gaming?

تخيل نفسك على يوم قاعد تلعب بليي ستيشن 3 أو اكس بوكس و يدش عليك ابوك و يطالعك بنظره اللي يخليك توقف اللعبه حسبالك في مصيبه صايرهبعدين يقولك

!!! اسمك هنا>انت ما كبرت على هالسوالف>”

اتوقع الشي هذا مو يديد على اللاعبين , لأن المشكله ان الأهالي مو عارفين مراحل التطور اللي حاشت الألعاب الالكترونيه لدرجه ان الحين ما تفرق اذا كان الشخص كبير ولا صغير بالعمر

خل نرجع حق أساس الألعاب الالكترونيهنحن نلعب لنعيش و نكأسفنحن نلعب علشان نستانس و نقضي وقتنا بشي مسلي

!!!فهل التسليه تقتصر على الصغار : \ … هذا كلام مو منطقيحتى الكبار يبون يستانسونعدل ولا لا

Classic Retro Titles

الي يذكر الألعاب أيام أول ,أيام كمبيوتر صخر, نينتندو, سيغا. كانت الألعاب كلها بسيطه و ما فيها أي نوع من التعقيد و العمق في محتوى اللعب , بالاضافه الى المستوى الضعيف للرسم و الأصوات بالنسبه للأجهزه الحاليه و بالرغم من المحاولات القويه للشركات في مثال ابتكار أحلى الشخصيات و الموسيقى للمراحل بذاك الوقت ( مثل سوبر ماريو بروس 3 , سونك , و البطريق على الصخر ) مما يجعلها أكثر قابليه للعب من قبل الصغار و ما تشد الكبار لانه ما في شي يشدهم , حتى لو كانت اللعبه معقده و عميقه فان اللعبه ما توضح هالشي الا للي يجربها

Gaming Today

و خلال السنين تطورت هذه الألعاب بصوره كبيرة حتى أصبح انتاجها يحتاج الى فريق عمل متكامل من مبرمجين , رسامين , موسيقيين و غيرها من الوظائف الرئيسيه حتى يتمكنوا من اصدار لعبه قد تنجح أو لا تنجح في بعض الأحيانبسبب رغبة المستهلك ( انت ) بالحصول على ما يرضيه من أعلى مستوى من التسليه.

اللي أبي أقوله لا تهتم بكلام غيرك اذا الهوايه اللي تمارسها ما تعجبهم المهم انها ترضيك و مو بس هواية الألعاب الالكترونيه أي هوايه بالدنيا كلها بس بشرط ضبط الوقت لها و ما تخليها حياتك كلها

عبدالله بوشهري – عضو في فريق ا ل.جي.جي

يعقوب – ترجمة و تحرير الموضوع عضو في فريق ا ل.جي.جي


Imagine yourself sitting down at the comfort of your sofa, enjoying some of your favorite games on the PlayStation or Xbox platforms and all of a sudden, your father steps in, looks at you like its the Armageddon and says: “<insert your name here> … aren’t you a bit too old for this?!!!”

I guess this happened to many of us a bit too often, and the parents do not really realize how much games have evolved to a point where it doesn’t cater to a specific age range or category. Let’s remember why we game in the first place: to find personal enjoyment in the worlds that developers created and to help pass our spare time. So is “fun” a word that is reserved for only the youngsters? It wouldn’t sound like a reasonable argument, right?

Reto Gaming Rivals!

Let us go back to the golden age of gaming, back to the retro days when the NES, Genesis, MSX, and SNES were the definition of gaming. The games back then weren’t so sophisticated, extremely simplistic in their goals, graphics were very early in their ideas, and sounds were a bunch of beeps that made some of today’s most memorable tunes. Character design back then was concentrating on creating some characters that were easy on the eyes and family friendly (such as Mario, Sonic and MSX’s Penguin). These characters might have captured the attention of the younger generation of the time, but not the adults since they wouldn’t bother looking into the games regardless of their challenges and content. Games back then didn’t have much of an impact on adults as much as they do today.

Today's Games

Today, games are made with much more thought put into it. Studios are made dedicated to create some of today’s most well known games in the industry. Games nowadays are made by a larger group being artists, programmers, music composers, audio directors, and many more. This group of people will make games and release them while taking a risk of it’s success, whether it is guaranteed to sell well or not because they are appealing to you, the consumer, and to your tastes and entertainment experience.

I would like to conclude that if you enjoy your hobby, don’t let anyone stop you because they didn’t quite understand it. The most important aspect is your personal enjoyment (given that your hobby doesn’t involve hurting others… ya know?). Of course that doesn’t just apply to gaming, but any other hobby that you dedicate some time to enjoy, and as long as you don’t turn it into a life-consuming dilemma.

Author: BaShaBeSho – LGG

Translation & Editing: Yaqoub – LGG

8 responses

  1. now I feel better playing games thanks ;)
    but seriously some people dont get the difference between Videogames and kids games…
    for those people I want to give a small little kid a tour in DEAD SPACE…..

  2. amazing read. Loved this article specially the arabic part!

    1. Thanks guys, yeah Dead Space is a perfect ride, 7md. xD

      Also if you would like future articles to be in BOTH Arabic and English please leave a comment here and we’ll put it into consideration should people vote for it.

      We can make short tidbits like this one that come out often, or we can go for a long article also in both languages but they won’t appear as often since they need a longer time to be translated.

      Anyways, leave us a comment and let us know what YOU want!

  3. I believe we should call it ….Kuwaiti not Arabic…

  4. wellknownq8 Avatar

    Sweet …

    i didn’t know that the screen-shots can be translated >_<


    1. Yaqoub Avatar

      LOL. Aham shay translation, they’re called image captions. :P

  5. A.Aljassar Avatar

    بالفعل.. صارت فيني هالشغله، للاسف لو كنت قاري هلمقال جان عرفت شلون ارد .. ولاكن من وجهه نظر الوالد ان الالعاب مهما كان عمرك فهي تضييع وقت بلافائده (صحيح) ولاكن خلنضيعه على وناسه احسن من لانضيعه على شي مايسوى ;p

  6. Mr. M-A Avatar
    Mr. M-A

    This is a very old but good article.

    For me, i’d have to say that gaming is too old for people that are insecure. That’s it.

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