القادم Xbox اشاعة: تسريب مواصفات

اطلقت مؤخرا اشاعات عن تسرب مواصفات Xbox 3. و وفقا لموقع VG247  فان جهاز مايكروسوفت القادم سوف يحتوي على:

  • معالج 6 core

  • 2GB ram DDR3

  • GPU  من شركة AMD

يذكر ان xbox 360 يحتوي على معالج  TRI – CORE  و  512 DDR3 ram


3 responses

  1. :cry: 6 core
    2 GB ram

    Ouch whats the price range 350$ ?

  2. still no news about price tag. I would guess maximum 400 or so

  3. It’ll be affordable I bet, hardware pricing went down overall the past 6 years.

    What would interest me the most is how they’ll handle game distribution. \would they go fully downloadable? I doubt it but with the success of platforms like Steam I think it could be viable.

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