The Sony 3D Display

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I want to preorder this screen  :talktothehand: ….shipping will be a ******. I cant count on the local shop to get it. even if they do I bet the price will be so high  :jump:

it will be used as a second monitor to my gaming PC at home & to play 3D games on it of course.  :talktothehand:

preordering before Sept. 30, 2011 should give you Resistance 3 for free.

  • 24-inch 3D Display
  • one pair of universal PlayStation 3D glasses
  • MotorStorm Apocalypse on Blu-ray
  • HDMI cable

for $499.99.

other games that will use 3D such as Uncharted 3 :inlove:  and Shadow of the colossus. also KillZone3 was awesome in 3D!


I only hate that it will be launched in November  :talktothehand: lots of good games are coming out now! *Ahem* Resistance 3


UPDATE: The released date was just announced NOVEMBER 2nd (at least in Japan).


4 responses

  1. classic Avatar

    I wanted to pre order it.. bas not worth it haa?

    shiping will be more than 50% of the TV price probably lol.

    1. Wait and see how much it’s sold here from the supplier or in Rehab before deciding where to purchase it from.

      Personally, I would go for a proper 3DTV than this small one.

  2. well I asked The SONY branch in Avenues yesterday….as usual they had absolutely no idea what was I talking about.

    so I say wait until release preordering for a Free Resistance 3 is not worth it IMO

    1. Since when did they know about anything?

      They’ll just go “Oh! We have a new product and we’ll put it on shelves tomorrow” as usual.

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