Pikmin 2 Coming to The Wii

Released on the Wii in Japan back in 2009, Nintendo will be bringing this title to the West later this year. Known as the Play Control series, it’s basically a Gamecube port with Wii motion controls added. More after the break.

Via Side Mission:

For those unfamiliar with the New Play Control series, it’s Nintendo’s line-up of GameCube games with Wii Remote and Nunchuk controls added. In North America, Nintendo has released New Play Control versions of Mario Power Tennis, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2 and the original Pikmin, but Pikmin 2 (and Chibi Robo) has languished.

Nintendo Power says Pikmin 2 is coming, perhaps as early as June, but Nintendo of America has no firm confirmation.

“We have nothing to announce at this time,” says a rep.


One response

  1. Mr. M-A Avatar
    Mr. M-A

    Towa el nas, lol.

    Im sure they made this move to get people familiar with Pikmin and to hold them off untill Pikmin 3.

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