News from this week Famitsu:
-Monster Hunter Tri G for the 3DS as we predicted many times before, it will maintain the water levels from Wii version with lots of add-ons (new cover monster confirmed).
this is not Monster Hunter Portable 3rd G that will remain to Sony PSP if my prediction is correct. :vampire:
now the abominations of all news…..a new 2nd Analog huge case for the 3DS (how thick will it be now? :struggle: )
The new Add on (shown below) will add a second Analog Stick and R2 button?
if I have to predict another thing….NINTENDO will redesign the 3DS :-? (new 3DS that includes 2 ANALOG Sticks) in the future just wait and get the superior version if you want a 3DS. for those who bought a 3DS I hope you enjoy the FREE 20 NES & GBA games and this “Expansion Slide Pad” :evilgrin: .
The release date for Monster Hunter Tri G is by the end of this year! and it will be playable at TGS next week! expect many news coming.
ها إشرايكم ننتندو بدعوا صح؟
3 responses
Shoof Ana mn zmaan al3b monster hunter y3ni t8rebn 8rabt el 5 years , elmohim .., al7een 83d al3b 3rd o t8rebn bnhi kl shi feeha , wana sharait psp ydeeda mn amazon bs 3shanha , fa mashoof fe da3i ena al3aab monster hunter eswoonha 3l 3ds , o tri already mwjooda bl wii + el new 3ds tlw3 el chbd m3a el 2nd analog :( , o mosta7eel ashtrri 3ds lw shno -_-
أنا طايح له ثيرد بعد
تونا صاعدين لرانك ٥
إذا الإشاعات صح الفيتا بيحصل نسخت البلايستيشن ٣
يعني ماكو مونستر هنتر جديده ليي بعد سنه
The second analog looks rubbish… It’s like taking a moderately appealing cake and putting it on a dirty plate. A VERY dirty plate.