Remember when we used to finish a game once? The time when we played the game over and over was just for its pleasure is long gone. Today, thanks to Microsoft, we’re re-playing the game for achievements. We’re trying to get headshots, collectibles, do 100 times of a certain move for achievements. You don’t need to show off to your friends and tell them “I totally finished Devil May Cry last night on the hardest difficulty!”, as your profile shows everything you have done, without you having to talk.
Do you think achievements is a good thing? Did you find yourself spending time to get an achievement instead of playing a new game you haven’t played? Or did you play an easy- achievement game you wouldn’t have played if it wasn’t for achievements? I personally know hardcore gamers who play Disney just for achievements LOL! Sad, but true!
I still remember when I finished games for the rewards the game give us, and nothing more. I finished Resident Evil Remake over 6 times to unlock Chris and Jill’s alternative costumes. Today, you buy costumes over DLC, and play to increase that big number of yours.
I personally think that achievements are a good way to reward your own score after beating game, but it’s not good when the gamer plays for the sake of achievements only and goes collecting low score games just for achievements.
Share your thoughts! Especially Xbox 360 players!
5 responses
Achievements are a good way to make a game live longer, they were the reason for me to play Starcraft II campaign again!
It’s not the achievements themselves that are good, it is how they are implemented.
I’ve seen games with no achievements had a great replay value [Metal Gear for PS1], while others were IMHO simply ruined by adding achievements [World of Warcraft].
They designers should make achievements interesting or not make them at all, Collecting all secret items is interesting while exploring the whole map is not that good.
My favourite type of achievements is beating a boss without doing something special or beating a boss in a special non-easy way.
Yes :D true! achievements should be creative, and gamers should play not to get achievements, they should play for the game itself, it’s just the idea that whatever you’ve done gets recored is cool. And I’m with you, achievements give more replay value to the game :D
I think it depends on the game it self as you said.
also my interest in the game effect my desire to go after the achievements.
Bayonetta & Uncharted 2 are a good examples of fun achievements.
SF4 achievements are BS and not worth your time.
also multiplayer achievements are in general time wasters :P get 100000 kills 5eer insha alah.
Achievements are good, cuz sometimes when u beat a game and see ur score isnt full and research why, u will realize that there r challenges within the game that u didnt beat yet (some require skill and others may require repetition)
how a gamer should think about it? it’s up to the gamer himself/herself and + up to the gamer who wants to look into ur profile
so for example , iam one of the guys who goes into his friends list and compare my games with them, like a challenge between me and them, but i compare each game score individually not as a whole..thats my way, and each whould have his/her own way of using this invention (the Achievements )
to summarize my comment: A Knife is an invention, you can use it in a good or in a bad way..Achievements score is the same thing :)
انا كنت مدمن اشيفمنت وحاشني هالمرض للاسف وصرت العب العاب سخيفه بس علشان اضيف سكور لبروفايلي
لكن الحمدلله تجاوزت هالادمان بعد ما صار سكوري اكثر من 70 الف
لكن الحق ينقال . . الاشيفمنت شي حلو لكن المفروض يكون شي ثاناوي وليس رئيسي بالنسبه للاعب
انا صارت فيني لدرجه اني لما العب اللعبه ما استمتع فيها وصرت لما يطلع لي مشهد سينمائي اتجاوزه لوول بس علشان اخلص اللعبه بسرعه
وما كنت اهتم للعبه لكن كنت اركض خلف الاشيفمنااااااات
لكن انا اتكلم عن الالعاب العاديه وليس القويه