“The Evolution Championship Series is an annual video game tournament that focuses exclusively on fighting games. In fighting game communities it is commonly referred to as ‘Evo’, and is currently the premier video game tournament for fighting games in the United States. As with Super Battle Opera, the Evolution tournaments are so well known that typically contestants will travel from all over the world to participate, most notably Japan.” from Wikipedia :)
in Evolution 2010:
- Super street fighter 4 (approx 1800 players)
- Super street fighter 2 turbo HD Remix
- Marvel VS Capcom 2
- Tatsunoko VS Capcom
- Melty blood
This year they hit the 3000 mark of fighting games players! across the world! check the image :
Take a good look, Kuwait is on the list :)!
even if we didnt end up on the top 32 players list this year we will do better next year inshallah :D
here are the results:
Super Street Fighter IV
1. Daigo Umehara (Ryu)
2. EG.Ricky Ortiz (Rufus, Chun-Li)
3. Infiltration (Akuma)
4. Mike Ross (E. Honda)
5. Bruce “GamerBee” Hsiang (Adon)
5. Vance “Vangief” Wu (Zangief)
7. Henry Cen (E. Honda, Dhalsim)
7. Shizza (Chun-Li)
Tekken 6 — Top 8
1. Nin
2. Rip
3. Mr. Naps
4. Devil Jim
5. jfj
5. Tokido
7. Crow
7. GMMA Kor
Super Street FIghter II HD Remix — Top 8
1. Snake Eyes
2. DGV
3. Afrolegends
4. Daigo
5. Afro Cole
5. Tokido
7. Alex Valle
7. Ryry
Super SF4 Women’s Invitational — Top 4
1. AAA Kayane
2. Burnyourbra
3. Yellow Gal
4. Lina
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom — Top 8
1. EG Marn
2. KBeast
3. EG Justin Wong
4. Kurasa
5. Psychochronic
5. Royal Flush
7. skisonic
7. Keits
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 — Top 8
1. EG Justin Wong
2. EMP Santhrax
3. Clockw0rk
4. EMP Yipes
5. Neo
5. Crizzle
7. Chaos Nightwolf
7. Regency Rob
Melty Blood — Top 8
1. Yoichiro “Garu” Aruga
2. Stephen “Lord Knight” Barthelemy
3. Antonio “Kusanagi” Medrano
4. Byron “HF Blade” Barzabal
5. Brandon “Brandino” Lee
5. Yuji “Yat” Tanaka
7. James Xie
7. Eric “Numakie” Gutierrez
here is an interview with the Capcom’s Community Manager Seth Killian :)
to see the Evolution 2010 matches go here
what was your favorite match?
on a side note Super Battle Opera (Tougeki) Japan big tournament will have a Kuwaiti team too! wish them luck! The tournament will be a part of the Tokyo game show event! more info in the coming days!
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