E.X. Troopers – Debut Trailer

Here’s the first trailer for E.X. Troopers, which seems to be a side game that exists in the Lost Planet universe, developed by Capcom. The game has a manga-esque vibe and seems like it might be another hunting game. Video & more about the characters after the break.

Via Andriasang:

Bren: The main character who came to the academy on EDN-3rd from EDN-2nd. He’s friendly and not shy, is driven by curiosity, and aims to be number one at everything he does.

TeeKee: This special girl is a member of a snow pirate group that longs to live alongside EDN-3rd’s native Akrid creatures.

Chris Lanbert: An elite member of the academy with long experience in a Vitality Suit. He has confidence in his aim, and will come to consider Bren his rival.

Julie Fliesher: The group’s “mood maker.” She’s not only skilled with a Vitality Suit, but also has great knowledge and affection. She’s secretly in love with Bren (or possibly his Vitality Suit, Gingira).

Luan Forest: Luan entered the academy ahead of Bren and is his superior. He’s devoted to data gathering, and has a lot of knowledge.

Gingira: Bren’s Vitality Suit. Gingira is a prototype with next generation AI which allows it to speak with its pilot and even automatically take simple actions. The Gingira name was given to it by Bren when he first boarded the machine. Gingira refers to Bren as “Master.”

Check out the remaining art over at Andriasang.

Official site, here.


The game will be shown at the Capcom Summer Jam event in June, and is planned for release on the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation 3.

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